Scott Jerome
John Estle
Known Trail/Route Conflicts
There are numerous locations of use conflict on
the trails, between walkers/skiers/bikers
Existing walking trails are not is best
locations, too close to ski trails makes ski trails an easy spur path
Pedestrian/skier/vehicle conflict is apparent at
Tanana Loop and Yukon Drive intersection.
Four points of access for vehicles (Tanana, Yukon, Lookout Point, and
IARC access) with poorly marked crossings
Soils are a known issue for the roller ski
alternative loop proposals. The loop
cannot have heaves or cracks, all proposed alternatives are in locations of
relatively poor soils.
There is a need for a better E-W multiuse trail
from Sheep Creek Road across campus to Wood Center and Engineering Building.
Unsafe crossing of N Tanana near Cutler area
Visitors often park at SRC, then walk to
Bookstore via path behind Stevens
Gate at Sheep Creek location could possibly keep
commuters off of skiing trails
Roller ski option would be major amenity for the
campus and the ski team.
Possible partnership between Roller Ski loop and
Terrain Park – Terrain Park snowmaking equipment could cover trail as soon as
freeze up, and protect surface.
Lola Tilly as new bookstore location would be more
visible to visitors
Possible partnership between Nordic Ski Club of
Fairbanks and UAF ski team/roller ski loop
Side Notes
Would be good to review what other campuses with ski
trails do to minimize user conflict
Minimize trail crossings
Ski team – 20 people, meets 4-5 afternoons/week, 2.5
Roller ski area - loop requires 12’ width asphalt surface,
needs to be visible to minimize vandalism, no motorized traffic without snow
cover, need grade change for training (along Tanana Loop is good), one way
route, would be great to have direct route with SRC. Three alternatives have been proposed, any of
which would benefit the ski team. American
system of design examples for Roller Skiing would be preferred over existing
European, no known official design standards exist
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