Laura McCollough
Known Trail/Route Conflicts
Frisbee Golf Area located within residential
area (near Hess Village and N Chandalar Drive) presents several user conflicts
such as noise, flying objects near windows and residents, night-time users
hanging out around people’s homes. Area
for golf is not well-defined.
N-S access between MSB and Lola Tilly is main
route between the two spots and definitely not safe for all users.
A better defined pathway for Frisbee golf users (and
encouraging them to stay on the path) might make residents feel safer
Alternative route between MSB and Lola Tilly might be
to cut through the Wood Center
Create an indoor spine like UAA
Make UAF a pedestrian campus.
Provide accessible routes where possible, with alternative
routes for others with abilities to take short cuts.
MSB is a hub on campus that needs better access.
Create a trailhead/parking area along North Tanana
for staff on east side of campus to access North Campus trails during lunch
There is a need for lower campus dog park. Revitalize Sustainable Village ski trails,
possibly connect with Thompson Drive parking, and provide this as dog-friendly
area. Potential partnership with West
Valley High? Funding might be possible
through kiosk parking payment at Thompson Drive parking? Creating a dog friendly area gives people
currently using trails and fields on campus for dog areas a designated place to
Side Notes
Frisbee Golf has a map, the course used to have 18 holes
and now has 9
Make sure there are accessible routes on campus. Not everyone is from Alaska or enjoys the
Students all want a car space. They want the option to walk if they can, but
often can’t.
An interesting overlay would show who lives in which
dorms and how they get to their classes (e.g. sophomores, juniors, and seniors
all live in Cutler)
Students generally choose housing location NOT based
on class locations
Students love their privacy, especially in Alaska
Some students talk about liking ‘obstacles’, like to
brag about difficulties, the ‘tradition’ of suicide hill
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