Anastasia Brown
Mike Schuetz
Martin Klein (by phone)
Known Trail/Route Conflicts
In general, better parking is needed for recreational
uses. Most who access recreational uses
park on the fringe of campus which is not defined well.
There is adequate parking on campus for all affiliates
and community users, however there is a general misunderstanding about parking
rules and regulations for affiliates and visitors.
Campus core is lacking connected trails, continuity
Road striping of bike lanes does not adequately
define pathway in winter season.
Yukon Drive is not a very enjoyable experience for
non-motorized users – could use better separation.
Popular short cut is between Murie Building and MBS,
behind Museum to Reichardt
Reichart Parking lot is often full (according to
students), no plan to expand
UAF wants to encourage recreational use of the trails
Education and better signage would likely provide a
better understanding of campus parking for visitors and affiliates
It was noted that Troth Yeddha' will bring more visitors
to campus, this would work well with North Campus desire to have a trail head
in Troth Yeddha'
Possible short term parking area off of N Tanana
would be great for Campus Core users to quickly access North Campus trails for
lunch break.
Virology Building has new lot that could serve
possible short term parking area for this purpose as well. This lot is currently lighted, but not yet served with
No real conflicts between campus utilities and trails
at the moment
Would be ideal to have designated path (separated if
possible) on both sides of Tanana Loop slope road. One side is currently striped.
Potential for Yukon Drive to become pedestrian
mall/service and shuttle access only
Side Notes
In general, staff do not want to walk to their
office. Students expect to walk and
generally have a less definitive opinion.
Parking is free for visitors after
5pm and on weekends. Parking
is NOT free for all affiliates after 5pm and on weekends, they are expected to have
the required decal. Parking enforcement
after 5pm is overseen by the police, who will ticket for public health, safety and
welfare type violations.
In general, adequate parking is provided on campus.
No real plans for lot expansion. If more
was eventually needed, Taku would likely expand first.
The shuttle is the provide method for getting people
to their destination, not providing a parking space for every user at every
Thompson Drive parking area – Buses sometime idle in
this lot. Easy lot to service. Master Plan for this area is unknown. Would
make sense to use as parking for upgraded trails south of CCHRC.
These trails south of CCHRC would likely be colder
than those on the ridge, during winter
Roller Ski area – will be hard to manage and keep
people from using as a short cut, unless it is totally removed from
non-motorized pathways and desired pathways.
Grade-separated crossing along Tanana Drive could be
considered for separating pathway from roadway
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