Deborah Coxon
Known Trail/Route Conflicts
User conflicts between dog walkers and skiers is
apparent on the trails
Lack of lights along Tanana Loop up the slope
makes it more dangerous for bikers/walkers
Lack of N-S connection between IARC and
Intersection of Tanana Loop, Yukon Drive at
Lookout Point is confusing. Dangerous in
spring when melt water from snow storage berm runs into intersection
Ski Hut is too close to road access to back of IARC. Buses drop of lots of kids, youth groups in
this area which has lots of pedestrian/vehicle conflicts and poor visibility
due to steep slope – areas are poorly defined
Front parking lot at IARC is very icy during
spring thaw
Could put together survey for trail users within
Geophysical Institute to see how they use the trails, commute to work, etc.
More lighting, better trail delineation along roads
could make current routes safer
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