Angela Linn
Kevin May
Steve Bouta
Known Trail/Route Conflicts
o Scale
of campus map
o Locating
main entrance of Museum
o Kiosk
o Better
road sign for Museum
o Vehicle
wayfinding at Tanana Loop and Yukon Drive
Tanana Loop and Yukon Drive intersection
o Pedestrian/vehicle
o Vehicle/vehicle
conflicts (run through yield sign)
Main connection to recreation trails is at west
end of campus
Site designed as a one-way loop, but operates as
Terrain Park fencing (perimeter) may extend up
to Yukon Dr in the winter
Potential future access via North Tanana Drive (for
buses, rvs, parking, etc.)
Staff help orient visitors to campus (direct most
often to bookstore, library, botanic gardens, and LARS), provide local and
campus history
Trails could provide more historic context and/or
share Museum info throughout campus
Maintain views of Museum and out from Museum
Provide campus walking tour (previously hosted
through University Relations, started from Museum)
Museum serves as a primary gateway to the campus for
Troth Yeddha, wanted aspen across Yukon Drive to be
cut down to open views, propose an observation deck in this area
Parking or trail access to North Campus trails from
east side of campus would be desired
Side Notes
Idea to create pedestrian mall along Yukon Drive from
Sheenjek to the east has been discussed, but easy bus and RV access needs to be
maintained to Museum at all times. Bus traffic to Museum is major
source of income
Museum has created some interpretive signage,
likely used same template as Viereck Nature Trails
100,000 people a year visit campus
A previous plan had located the ski hut behind
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