Known Trail/Route Conflicts
E-W strong connection behind Museum, to Hess
Sheep Creek Road, visibility is poor, snow bank
shoulders don’t leave enough room for all users
Tanana Loop hill shoulders aren’t defined well, dangerous
Popular short cut from U Park, through
no-trespass zone
Common misunderstandings about parking rules for
university affiliates and visitors, discourages use of trails
West side of campus lacks ‘Gateway’
Summer issue at Lookout Point, used as informal
gathering spot, hangout
Keep character of Himalaya Trail (area north of Patty Center and SRC), treasured green
space on campus. Would be nice to connect
area with Copper Lane all the way to Wood Center.
Make sure lighting levels reflect the desired level
of service, not more
Put trails where existing short cuts are
Some routes need better definition (striping) when
shared with vehicles
Show the academic routes vs recreational routes
Heated walks are mentioned in the Master Plan
Desire for more connectivity, make a continuous loop
on campus
Trail along northern boundary of N Tanana Drive is a
nice, quiet space with close proximity to main campus areas that should be
100th year anniversary approaching
University visitors – trails can better connect
amenities like Museum and Botanic Gardens
Side Notes
Harder surfaces (in winter) are better for
Three main ski trail access points include Sheep
Creek parking area, Lookout Point, and Ballaine Lake
Might make sense to provide a row of metered parking
spots at ski hut for short term parking (Back of IARC)
Troth Yeddha' plan should be reviewed to ensure
Plan will reflect academic, recreational, and
visitor routes on campus
Fence power plant area for security?
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