BDS Architects and Corvus Design have been hired by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Facilities Services to develop a Pedestrian Plan for the Lower West Campus. The general area of study includes but not limited to the open areas surrounding the Wood Center, Student Recreational Center (SRC), Butrovich/IAB Greenhouse Hill, Troth Yeddha, Museum of the North, Townshend Point, and Botanical Gardens/Farm. The purpose of the plan is to help guide the future short-term, mid-term and long-term plans to prioritizes improvements, preservation and connect open spaces and greenways that support the recreational, pedestrian pathways and cultural/historical outdoor areas. Special attention will be paid to the Chancellor’s Trail Initiative (a trail to better connect West Ridge to the Main Campus), the adaptation of Cutler Apartment Complex to undergraduate housing, and the connections between campus and off campus nodes, like the Cold Climate Housing Research Center and Sustainable Village.
The Design Team:
Jonathan Shambare, UAF Architect and Planner, Project Manager for UAFTrails and Greenways
Kara Axx, UAF North Campus Manager
Dan Seiser, BDS Architects
Peter Briggs, Corvus Design
Laura Minski, Corvus Design
This project arose from a request from Chancellor Rogers that the Master Planning Committee (MPC) review current trails and pathways on the Fairbanks campus to identify areas where new or existing paths, trails, and connections to the City of Fairbanks and Fairbanks North Star Borough existing pathways could be added or improved. There was specific concern with further developing the trails and greenways network to better address any existing safety issues and user conflicts. The chair of the MPC formed a work group to address this issue, they then outlined the scope of work for this project with the support of Chancellor Rogers.
As there are
many committees and stakeholder groups a part of the planning and uses within
this area of campus we recognize that an extensive outreach effort is required
and would like to take this opportunity to outline the process and begin the
information gathering phase of the project.
Our outreach plan and draft schedule (dates
and timeline is approximate):
- Early October, 2012 - Administrative Meeting/Project Kick off
- November 19th - 22nd – Discovery Week. BDS Architects and Corvus Design will lead a week-long series of meetings and workshops with committees, stakeholder groups, and important UAF staff to determine the desires and needs for this part of campus. This will include individual meetings with each group as well as larger workshops including representatives from all groups. We will post dates, times, and locations for the larger group meetings once those have been confirmed.
- December 2013 – January 2014 – Draft Report Development. BDS Architects and Corvus Design will develop a draft plan
- Early Spring 2014 – Draft Master Plan Presentation and Review. BDS Architects and Corvus Design will present the draft plan to committees and stakeholders allowing for review and comment period
- Spring 2014 – Final Plan for Lower West Campus
What we need from you:
Committees and stakeholder groups will be contacted to set up individual meetings with the design team. There also will be group meeting to which everyone is welcome to attend. We will post dates, times, and locations for those here once they have been confirmed.
If you plan on attending a meeting during Discovery Week and have not filled out the survey already, please print a copy (click here), fill it out, and bring it with you to your meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please fill out our 'Group Survey' on the right hand side of this blog.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
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